2024 Travel Grant Awards – CLOSED

Status Closed Deadline to Apply: Rolling Download Description
NAAF Travel Grants support early career researchers attending scientific conferences or meetings to present accepted alopecia areata-related abstracts as talks or posters. Meetings of particular interest include: the Society for Investigative Dermatology, American Academy of Dermatology, the International Congress on Autoimmunity, World Congress for Hair Research, and other relevant meetings in immunology, skin, and hair research.
Applicant Eligibility: To be considered for this award, you must be a graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, or a newer MD and/or PhD in early stage career development. You must attend the meeting in its entirety and be presenting an alopecia areata-related abstract or poster.
**Please note that the number of  travel awards to any one research group or laboratory may be limited to encourage broad particpation.
Terms: Grants may be used for travel to a scientific meeting to present alopecia areata-related abstracts or posters. Travel Grants for up to $1,000 to attend domestic meetings and up to $1,500 to attend international meetings are available. Grants may be used for registration fees, round-trip transportation to the meeting, lodging, and meeting-associated expenses (e.g., poster preparation).
Deadline: Travel Grant applications must be received by NAAF at least 30 days prior to the anticipated meeting or travel. Exceptions may be made for late-breaking abstract acceptances. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted.
Download the application and instructions: 2024 NAAF Travel Grant Application 
Email completed applications to grants@naaf.org.