We are thrilled to announce that Philadelphia is now a second Flagship Site for the 2025 Walk For Alopecia on Saturday, September 27, 2025, joining our inaugural Flagship Site, San Francisco, and an incredible 20+ Volunteer Led Community Sites this year. A huge congratulations to our Philadelphia walkers and a special shout-out to Maureen McGettigan, 2024/2025 Walk Site Leader & NAAF Board Member, for establishing and growing Walk For Alopecia and our alopecia areata community in Philadelphia. Whether you are on the east or west coast or anywhere in between, we invite you to join us for our Third Annual Walk For Alopecia to shine the brightest light on alopecia areata, raise funds and show the world it is not just hair! You, your family, friends and co-workers can participate at our two Flagship Sites, 20+ Volunteer Led Community Walk Sites, or by Walking Where You Are as a team, or individual in your own neighborhood. For a complete list of Walk For Alopecia locations, visit naaf.org/walk. Registration opens in May. Please send the NAAF team a note at walk@naaf.org if you are interested in planning or helping at a site or have questions.