Teen Boys Virtual Support Meeting

Monday, March 31

7:30 PM, EDT

Event Type: Virtual Organizer: Rafi Wasserman & Ezra Key-Cohen Email: rafi.wasserman@gmail.com

*Note: If this is your first time attending, you must RSVP and fill out a form prior to attending.

Hosts: Rafi & Ezra

Rafi (29) was diagnosed with Alopecia in the 1st grade and has been involved with NAAF in various forms ever since! After receiving such great support at his first conference in St. Louis, Rafi has enjoyed building an ever growing Alopecia community through working with NAAF and attending 17+ conferences. Outside of AA, Rafi is a native of the Chicagoland area and currently resides in New York City where you can find him running, spending time with friends and following his favorite sports teams (Liverpool FC and the Chicago Cubs). He is looking forward to getting this Support Group going!

Ezra Key-Cohen (18) is a college student attending Wesleyan University. He was diagnosed with alopecia universalis at 11 years old, and lost all the hair on his head, eyebrows, and arms/legs in the weeks after his diagnosis. As a young boy, admitting that he was suffering because of his appearance felt emasculating. In recent years, Ezra has gained the strength to seek help and talk about the challenges he experiences with alopecia. Outside of being a youth mentor for NAAF, he enjoys creating short documentaries, playing guitar, and watching football (Fly Eagles Fly!).