National Alopecia Areata Foundation The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF) serves the community of people affected by an autoimmune skin disease called alopecia areata that results in hair loss and emotional pain. NAAF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1981 and headquartered in Novato, CA. Our Federal Tax ID# is 94-2780249. Mission NAAF drives research to find a cure and accessible treatments for alopecia areata, supports those impacted, and educates the public about the disease. Vision An empowered community with a choice to embrace or live free of alopecia areata. Values Growth We create and nurture positive change for the future of our community. Resilience We enhance the ability to mentally and emotionally cope with adversity. Advocacy We wield influence to create awareness and effect real change. Compassion We listen to understand and demonstrate care through meaningful support. Empowerment We build strength and confidence through connections, tools and resources. 116K Community members across the U.S. $5.7M Spent by NAAF for funding research 291 Meetings with State Legislators Our History The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF) funds research to find a cure or acceptable treatment for alopecia areata, supports those with the disease, and advocates on their behalf. Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disease affecting nearly 7 million Americans that results in total or partial loss of scalp and body hair. Founded in 1981, NAAF is widely regarded as the largest and most representative alopecia areata advocacy organization. NAAF connects with the alopecia areata community, including patients, family members, healthcare providers, and researchers through its support programs, email newsletters, website, research summits, and annual patient conference. NAAF is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit and a Candid Platinum-Rated charity and meets the rigorous standards of the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance and the National Health Council. Leadership Staff Board of Directors Research & Advisory Council Financials Form 990 NAAF Audit NAAF Annual Reports Strategic Plan At the end of 2022,the NAAF leadership team and board finalized a 3 Year Strategic Plan, sharpening focus on 4 primary goals and 9 key objectives that align with NAAF’s mission, vision and values. These goals reflect NAAF’s plan to evolve and grow with the changing landscape of care for, and needs of, the alopecia areata community. The plan was built with extensive stakeholder feedback, gathered through surveys and interviews, and stewarded by a Board Task Force. We thank the community for their participation, and we are pleased to share the 2023-2025 Strategic Goals and Objectives. Strategic Plan Partners The National Alopecia Areata Foundation’s Industry Partner Program (IPP) drives efficiency and improves research by connecting bio-pharmaceutical companies with patients, clinicians, researchers, healthcare payors, and government agencies to accelerate the discovery and development of safe and effective treatments. NAAF’s Industry Partners include a diverse group of engaged, committed allies interested in developing or re-purposing effective therapies for alopecia areata. Our Partnerships Get In Touch! For all other correspondence and invoices: NAAF 1500 Grant Ave Suite 242 Novato, CA 94945 For donations and payments: NAAF PO Box 1270 Suisun City, CA 94585 (415) 472-3780